About us

Family bred Knicks fans out the South Bronx

This site is the culmination of over 30 years of Knicks fandom centered around two brothers, JAH & French.  We grew up in a very pro-Knicks household, and eventually discovered our own passion for our hometown team.  Our late father, Iyakka, had been a Knicks fan since coming to America in the 80’s & our mother/producer has also been a fan of the team for over 4 decades. Despite the fact that we have witnessed more losing by the New York franchise than winning, the love we have for this team is so strong that we’ve dedicated our time to producing quality content in podcast form for people to enjoy. Khiari, A.K.A French The Bro-Host, became a true Knicks fan once ‘Linsanity’ happened. Once Jeremy Lin left town for Houston, the flashy play of former Knicks PG Toure’ Murray, the knock down shooting & scoring ability of Tim Hardaway Jr & the swagger/athleticism/shooting of JR Smith had all kept me rooting for the hometown team. Growing up around my brother Jelanie,  better known as JAH So Focused,  also greatly contributed to the growth of my fandom as well, as he kept me informed  

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